Monday 22 February 2016

The Started of Kuda Kepang

Hi, hello everyone! Today I want to share to you guys about the history of Kuda Kepang. 

                                        Image result for kuda kepang

Kuda Kepang is  a famous dance in Johor which comes from Jawa, and have been brought into Johor 
and Singapore in 1920-an.  This dance was a heritage dance culture Java which influenced with 
Islamic. And the most interesting part to me is, this dance storyline is about Prophet Muhammad and 
his friends. And, this was  introduced by preacher Islamic and they will deliver
their preaching before or after presentation.  Kuda Kepang really liked by Johor population and this dance have become one of the Johor Culture. 

The dance is accompanied by a traditional instruments which are gamelan, gong and angklung. 
Besides, the most importance appliance that needed is horses, which is made from cow skin and 
formed resembling horses and coloured red, white or gray only. This dance usually played by nine to fifteen people for each Kuda Kepang group and had a chief. It is common to performed during VIPs event, wedding ceremonies or major celebrations. 

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